Monday, June 20, 2011

Our Love Story

So, I have the best husband...EVER. I just had to get that out there and let everyone know :) He is amazing. I have never trusted anyone as much as I trust this man. I know that all the decisions he makes, he is doing it in the best interest of our family. He is so responsible and caring. He is everything I thought I would never have. I know that he will be the best father for our baby. 
I wanted to make this blog post to share our story and also clear up some facts from my first post. We do have kind of a long story, and I am not one to leave out details because I think it is all important. So forgive me if it turns out to be a long post!

So, before I met Danny, I went through a rough patch, as I think many people go through. Pretty much, I was trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted out of life, love, etc. I had decided to go back to church (LDS) after about 2 years of not going and I also decided that I didn't want to get into anything too serious when it came to relationships. I needed time for myself. I was finally feeling happy with my life and the choices I was making. I felt great. A friend of mine from work, Nataly, invited me to a birthday party at her friend's house, it was like a singles activity. So I decided to go because I wanted to make some new friends. It ended up being Danny's brother's birthday party. So that was the first time that I met him. I thought he was cute, but he was kind of being really friendly and close with this other girl, so I didn't think anything more about him. It is a really small world though, because we started running into each other at the gym at Hill Airforce Base in Layton. He approached me once and asked if I was Nataly's friend, I said I was, and he told me about going to this club out in Salt Lake with the group of people I saw at the party. I said I would try and go, even though I knew I was going to go because I wanted to get a chance to dance with him :) I'm a dork. Anyways, so I went with my friend Joselyn to the club and we danced for a bit. Then, I saw Danny.....with another girl...and not even the same girl I thought he was "with" the night of the birthday party. Ugh, typical guy. Haha jk. I thought, Ok, well maybe he is just dancing a few songs with her, then he will dance with me, since I thought he showed some interest at the gym...nope, she had him the WHOLE night. So lame. So I asked my friend Nataly when I was going home if he had a girlfriend because I thought he was really cute, lol, she said she didn't think he did. So I kind of got happy, even though he ignored me the whole night. Jerk. This is still a sore subject for me...even though we have cleared it up..haha. So the next activity was for Nataly's birthday party at her house. Danny was there, so I FINALLY got to dance with him! :) It was a fun night. We talked a bit and then as the party ended, and I was going to my car, he still hadn't asked for my number! I mean seriously....come on! So, I just decided to be the forward one and asked if we could exchange numbers. We text that night and flirted a bit. Then, he invited me to his brother's graduation party at his house. That was when he kissed me...aww. So cute. We couldn't deny we had chemistry.
We kept going out, but nothing was official or exclusive between us. I still dated other guys because I didn't want to make the same mistakes as I did in the past. I didn't want to get hung up on one guy when they weren't serious about "us". So I was just trying to put in my head that most likely nothing would happen. Well, then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Yikes. This scared me because he was wanting me to open up to him and put myself in a situation where I could get hurt. I didn't want to be vulnerable. So I said no, that I just wanted to keep being friends and go out and see where it goes. The next day, he asked one last time, gave me one more chance, to say yes and be exclusive. I said no again. I know, I'm mean. So on the way home, I thought about it and I told myself, "this is what I have always been wanting, someone to open himself up to me as well and show that he cares enough to only want to be with me". I realized I was being dumb and decided to take a chance. So I text him and asked if the offer still stands, and he said yes.
That was July 1, 2009 that we were "official". We had a great time dating and getting to know more about each other. I grew to love his family, and he loved mine. On November 14, 2009, Danny proposed to me at Temple Square...and he recorded it. Yup, I was acting like such a fool. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful night, and it felt right. I have never felt the way I did with Danny. I knew he was different and more mature than most guys. We got married December 1, 2009. Yes, 2 weeks to plan the wedding. It was the best day ever.

So the part from my first post I would like to clear up, is that we didn't have our honeymoon until this year, April 2011, so when I said we found out I was pregnant when we came back from our honeymoon, just know that it was about a year and a half after we got married :)
I love my husband with all my heart, and cannot imagine spending eternity with anyone else. He really does complete me ( I know, corny, but true!). I think that we compliment each other so well. I am so happy to have him by my side and I feel so safe with him.Thank you for being such a great man and husband, baby! I can't wait to see how great of a father you will be to our little one.