Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Good News

I had my doctor appointment yesterday. Everything is fine. I gained 5 pounds though, boo. I'm a pound over what my goal was, 25 pounds total. Oh well, as long as the doctor isn't worried about it, I guess I shouldn't be either. I talked to him about how I am quitting my job in December, so I need to make sure the baby is born in December because of insurance reasons. He said there isn't a problem with that. Only 2 weeks til I am full term!
My mom gave me good news yesterday. Her and my dad were only going to be able to be here Christmas weekend and then they had to go back to work. So, I was planning on having my doctor break my water on the 22nd or 23rd, which is only 4-5 days before my due date. I would not, however, get any medicine. I want everything to be as natural as possible. I didn't feel good about even breaking my water because I believe that she will come out when she is ready. But, now my mom gets the whole week from the 23rd til the 2nd of January off, woohoo! So now, I don't feel as much pressure to make sure she comes Christmas weekend. It might seem ridiculous to some people that I would break my water just so that my family can be there, but it is important to me that they are here. If she decides to come early and it's a day of the week, they can't just leave their jobs and drive 3 hours over here. Plus, who knows how the weather will be. So, anyway I am really happy and relieved now that I don't really have to worry about when she comes because I know my family will be here during that time.
Here is an update:

How far along: 35 weeks and 2 days
Weight gain/loss:  So, about 5 pounds from 2 weeks ago. 26 pounds total. Blah.
Maternity clothes:  I hate wearing anything other than my pajama pants. I don't know how I'm going to deal with finding things to wear for work for the next few weeks.
Stretch marks: Still no sign of them...yet.
Sleep: Not good. I wake up in pain in my hips from sleeping on one side too long.
Best moment this week:  Realizing that aside from buying a few more things (manual pump, swing), we are ready for this baby to come! 
Food cravings: Nothing new. I can't eat as much anymore. I get full much faster now.
Gender: Same...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Pretty much out now.
Movement: Still moving quite a bit. 
What I miss: Feeling normal.
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing my baby for the first time.
Milestones: We washed all the baby's clothes and blankets and we organized them into her dresser. Now, we wait!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Black Friday

I am so bummed I can't go to Black Friday this year! Last year was that first time that we went crazy and stayed up all night until like noon on Friday going to Wal-Mart, Kohl's, Victoria's Secret, etc. It was awesome. I had fun. I thought it was sad and kind of funny how crazy people would get though. There is this awesome website,, that has the leaked black friday deals for this year. I was looking over the ads, and it makes me wish I could stay up all night again, pushing people out of the way to get some awesome stuff...oh well. I don't think baby girl will agree with me being on my feet for so long. I will have to wait until next year then.
Anyway, I went to my doctor's appointment yesterday. I gained about 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks, which makes my total weight gain 21 pounds. My doctor says that's good, but I really only wanted to gain 25 pounds. I know, I'm being ridiculous. But, losing weight for me is not easy. As long as baby is healthy though, then it's ok. I will just have to live with whatever I end up gaining.
I finally committed myself to a travel system and bought it yesterday on Amazon. I went with Graco, because according to reviews, they seem to be safe, sturdy and reliable and don't cost a fortune. It was actually the most expensive thing we bought, but we decided we can splurge on at least one thing for the baby. Here it is.

We went with black because we wanted a gender neutral color to be able to re-use it for the next baby. 
So, most of the major things are done and bought. This whole having a baby thing is expensive! 
I have my little freak out moments when I think that I only have about a month and a half left. Crazy! Sometimes I think that is such a long time, but then I think of everything I still have to do, and then starts the freak out. I guess I just worry that we won't have something she needs and I like to be prepared and have things planned out. This is one of those situations in life where you can't really plan anything out. I am just hoping for the best. 
Oh, one last thing. I went to my childbirth class last night and she gave us more information on epidurals so that we would see we didn't have anything to be scared of. Yeah, it made me NOT want to have one even more. I am going to do my best to go all natural baby. Not so that I can brag or feel good about myself for doing it all natural, but because I don't want to be afraid of the pain I'm going to feel. I actually want to be able to feel everything. I know, a lot of people think I am naive and tell me, "Just wait!". Well, yes it's true, I can't prepare myself for the pain I'm going to feel, but I can do my best to prepare myself on different relaxation techniques and breathing and I know I will be fine. My husband is also behind me 100%, so as long as I have his support, I know I can do it. I do know that I have to be open to different outcomes as well. I know that if, heaven forbid, something were to go wrong, I might need a C-Section and/or an epidural, but as long as everything is going well, then I should be able to just do it all without any intervention. Here's hoping everything goes well! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Final Stretch

I am only 33 weeks and I am SO done with being pregnant. I know really shouldn't complain...but I will anyway. I haven't had a bad pregnancy at all compared to what co-workers and friends have told me about their pregnancies, but I just really want to meet my baby girl already. Although, it does freak me out sometimes when I think that I will soon be awakened by her crying, or by anything she does for that matter. I know I am going to be so paranoid the first few weeks and probably not get any sleep at all, but hey, I think that is normal for the first baby. She can be born anytime between the next 4-7 weeks. That is just crazy. Everyone keeps saying that our lives will change so much, and I believe it. It will be worth it though.
I will be honest, I think the part I will miss the most of our lives right now is the alone time I get with hubby. You know, just being able to cuddle, or lay down and watch T.V. and just do what we feel like doing. However, there is a time for everything. We have had about 2 and a half years of being alone and having fun, so I think it is time for our family to start growing. Ready or not, it is time.
Not much has been going on. Halloween was pretty boring. Hubby and I just got a pizza that night and I went to the store in a hurry before the trick or treaters got to our house. Guess how many kids came and knocked on our door? THREE. That's right. I went and got 2 bags of candy, one bag of Snickers and the other was Life Saver gummies, and only 3 kids came. Ugh. What has happened to the tradition of going house to house to get candy on Halloween? Now people just go to Trunk-or-Treat and don't bother going house to house. I don't care if I am the only mother out for Halloween taking her daughter to each house, I am going. That's part of the fun of Halloween. Ok, I'm done venting. Oh and by the way, I ended up eating like half of the Snickers bag...thanks a lot to the children that didn't come to my house! Anyway, at work, some women decided that we should all dress up as biker chicks on Halloween. So this was the outcome of my outfit. Thanks to my mother-in-law who just happened to have the jacket and bracelet. Awesome.

                                              FYI, the boots were killing me! But I looked cute so hey...

Oh, the baby shower my mom and sister threw for me was AWESOME. I loved it. I got to see some people I haven't seen in a while. We had some yummy food and fun games. It was great. Thanks mom and sis for making that day special for me! Love those 2 women so much. They are the best.
We started going to a Childbirth/Pre-Natal class on Wednesdays. They are provided for free by the hospital. They are pretty informational. It is kind of getting me even more anxious and freaked out about labor. I am trying to read about Hypnobirthing to see if that will help me out. I have had a few mothers tell me it does. Hopefully all goes well when I go into labor.
We went to the temple here in Vernal about a week and a half ago with my in laws since they were here for the weekend. I am ashamed to say that it had been so long since we had gone, since before I got pregnant, sad. It was great though. We are going to try to go as much as we can before the baby gets here. We also ended up getting really good news a couple of days later. Hubby got a promotion at work; he is now the Regional manager over 5 stores. He now is in charge of the Vernal, Price, Park City, Heber and Fashion Place mall stores! I am so happy and proud of him. He is such a hard worker and does the best job providing for us. I love him so much. With this promotion, we will eventually need to move closer to the SLC area because 3 of the stores are over that way. So...YAY! This is what we have been waiting for. This is a great opportunity and we can finally be closer to our families and friends. I can't wait. We still have to wait until the baby is born to be able to move, but I feel so happy knowing that we don't have to stay here much longer. Don't get me wrong, Vernal has given us a lot of good things, a big one being our jobs. It has just been really hard being alone out here and not seeing our family as much. Yay for promotions!
So here is an update:

How far along: 33 weeks
Weight gain/loss:  Not sure..I haven't been getting on the scale because I am afraid and because I have an appointment with the doctor on Wednesday, so I will just find out then. I hope it hasn't been too much!
Maternity clothes:  Well I did buy a maternity skirt from Motherhood. It is awesome. I definitely needed it. Still wearing my pre-pregnancy pants with the belly band. My jeans are SO uncomfortable though. I try not to wear them. 
Stretch marks: Still no sign of them...yet.
Sleep: Meh, I toss and turn all night. I have gotten used to not sleeping well. 
Best moment this week:  Finding out about hubby's promotion!
Food cravings: Nothing new. I don't really crave things anymore. I am trying to not eat so much sweets though.
Gender: Same...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Still in, but it looks gross.
Movement: Still moving quite a bit. 
What I miss: Working out! I know...weird. 
What I'm looking forward to: Being able to run again. (See previous answer)
Milestones: We got the baby's crib, dresser and changing table put together ( well hubby and his brother did) and we put the bedding in. It looks awesome! 

Here is a pic of the baby's room. Now I just have to wash all her clothes and get it all organized. Well, at least organize the stuff I will use for the first few weeks since we will be moving again after the baby is here. 


Thursday, October 13, 2011

4-D Ultrasound!

So yesterday I had my monthly check up with the doctor. I was so worried about getting on the I stepped on, I watched the numbers go up and finally...165!! Only 2 pounds more than last month, yes! I was really excited. That makes my overall gain about 16 pounds. Not bad. My doctor said that I will probably gain about 25 pounds total by the time I deliver. Let's hope! 
Oh yes, I took my diabetes test last Tuesday, that was quite an experience. The drink was not bad at all in my opinion. It was the orange flavor and once I finished it, I had to play the waiting game for an hour. About 30 min.after drinking the orange soda (that's what it tastes like to me), I start getting really cold and I start to shake. The shaking was uncontrollable. I told the lab tech what was happening and she gave me a blanket. The blanket didn't help at all. I tried getting a glass of water and I felt like I had Parkinson's because the water was splashing all over. I have to admit, I was pretty scared that this was affecting the baby. They finally took my blood and thankfully, I had stopped shaking by that time. However, I was nauseous and had the worst headache I think I have ever had. I went to my doctor's office and they said that was just a reaction to the drink and that it was normal. I went home and I felt better after a few hours and the baby was moving around and kicking like normal, phew. Now, 2 days later, Thursday morning at about 5 a.m., I wake up feeling like I was hungry, then I got so cold and started shaking. The same thing that happened when I took my diabetes test. Poor Danny, he got me a heating pad and tried to warm me up, but he didn't know what to do to make it better. He wanted to take me to the hospital, but I didn't want to move because I felt like I would die because I was so cold. After about 25 min.the shaking went away, and I was left with a killer headache and what felt like a fever. I went to my doctor's office. They checked my results of the diabetes test to see if that was why I was having these episodes. The results came back normal, no diabetes for me (wahoooo!!). So, they wrote down my symptoms and I was also having some back pain. They said the pain is normal but they would tell the doctor about what was going on and get back to me. They called me later on that day to tell me that my shakiness could be because of low blood sugar or blood pressure and to make sure I am eating 3 meals a day and snacks in between. I did eat more that night. The next morning, as I was driving to work, I start shaking again. UGH. My co-workers saw how I was shaking and said this isn't normal. My boss told me to go to the hospital. So I did. And guess what they found? Yup, a dang kidney infection! I had NO idea. I have had bladder infections before, but I had no symptoms like I had in the past. They said it was probably because it was in my kidneys now and that was why my back was hurting. They said it was a pretty bad infection and they usually don't see any that bad. Great. I was so bummed because we were supposed to go to my mom's house (3 hours away) for my baby shower the next day. We asked about traveling with this kind of infection and the nurse said that it isn't recommended because these kinds of infections can lead to pre-term labor. No thank you. So we decided not to travel. Thankfully, everyone was really understanding when we called and told them we had to reschedule the baby shower. I am doing a lot better now and I'm just glad I stopped being stubborn and went to the hospital. And I am so thankful for my mom. She came out here over the weekend to help me and Danny out. She took care of me, helped Danny organize our front room and cooked a few things so I wouldn't have to worry about cooking for a few days! What a great mother I have. I hope someday I can grow up to be like her. 
Baby is doing great! We did a 4-D ultrasound yesterday as well and we got a few pictures. Not really good ones though. Her head was being squished and she didn't want to move it! Stubborn baby. We are going back in 2 weeks, when I have my next check up, to see if we can get some better pictures. We were able to see her eyes, nose and mouth really well though. She looks exactly like Danny! Good thing he is a cutie. She is adorable. She has a beautiful chubby face. 
Here is my beautiful baby girl!

The tech said she weighs about 3 pounds and she is right where she needs to be :) She said she will probably be around 7 or 8 pounds by the time she is born. It was amazing to see my baby in there. It kind of brought us to the reality that this baby is almost here...crazy! Only about 10 weeks left. I feel like I still have SO much to do...well I guess that is because I do! I still have to get working on the nursery, buy her bedding, buy a car seat and stroller. Geez, I'm already starting out bad. I better get crackin'! 
Here is an update:

How far along: 29 weeks and 3 days
Weight gain/loss:  Not sure from last week, but total is about 16 pounds....I know I only gained like 2 pounds in this last month, woohoo!
Maternity clothes:  Blah, still wearing my pre-pregnancy pants with the belly band and I can still wear some of my pre-pregnancy shirts. I think I am going to break down and just buy a couple of nice looking pants at Wal-Mart or something for work. 
Stretch marks: Still none yet...I think they are teasing me and playing with my mind...but I'm sure they will show up at the last minute just to spite me.
Sleep: It has been ok. I have been sleeping on the couch because it is just more comfortable than the bed. 
Best moment this week:  Getting better from my stupid kidney infection.
Food cravings: Still craving sweets, in my defense though, I always crave sweets, pregnant or not. 
Gender: Same...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Still in. And my belly ring scar is looking more and more disgusting...that's what I get for deciding to get it pierced in the first place!
Movement: She still moves quite a bit. She is getting bigger though, so she is running out of room to do her gymnastic routines. 
What I miss: Sleeping on my bed
What I'm looking forward to: My baby shower that my mom and sister are throwing for me this weekend! 
Milestones: Well, I guess what people have been saying lately is "Wow, you are finally looking like you are pregnant!" So I would say that is a milestone. 

Oh and we decided to tell everyone the name we picked out for the baby. Gianna Rosalyn. We love the name. I am glad we finally agreed on one we both liked! Cannot wait for this baby to come out already. Even though, I'm not really prepared yet. 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hectic week!

It has been crazy these past couple of weeks. I didn't get a chance to update last week because of the move into our town home!! I love this new place. It is so much better and "roomier" than our last apartment. Now, the hard part, unpacking and organizing. UGH. It has been hard trying to find the energy to go home after work and get to work on organizing everything. Slowly, but surely, it will eventually get done! Here is my update:

How far along: 27 weeks, 4 days. About 86 days (or 12 weeks) left!!
Weight gain/loss:  Well, according to my scale, I have gained 2.2 pounds in the last 2 weeks, which would be just right...but we will see in a couple of weeks what the doctor's scale says. 
Maternity clothes:  Haven't been buying anything. I really don't want to buy pants, but I think I may have to buy at least one pair of jeans...mine are just getting too tight in the waist, even with my belly band! The belly band has really been a life saver though! 
Stretch marks: None yet...I saw some purple veins the other day though and I heard those are signs of stretch marks...but nothing has shown up yet. 
Sleep: It has been ok.
Best moment this week:  Moving into our new home and getting ready to put my baby's nursery together!
Food cravings: Ugh, I have been craving sweet things...ALL the time! I hate it. I feel so gross and fat!
Gender: Same...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Still in.
Movement: She is still moving so much! She has her little schedule going though. She moves a lot before breakfast, a lot before lunch and then sometime around dinner. She is just letting me know when she gets hungry I guess :) 
What I miss: Having more energy.
What I'm looking forward to: My baby shower that my mom and sister are throwing for me next weekend!! 
Milestones: None this week. 

We are going to see our families this weekend for conference and a wedding tonight, and then next weekend is my baby shower at my mom's. After next week, we won't be making the trip to see our families anymore just because I don't want to risk the long drive anymore. Oh, and we made our appointment for the 4D ultrasound for October 12th! I am so excited to see my baby and see what kind of characteristics she has! So cute. Also, as I mentioned last week, I will be going in for my Glucose test on Monday, the 3rd. Hopefully it goes well! Oh yeah, the ladies I work with also threw me a baby shower last week! It was a great surprise. Here are some pics of what I got. 

These were 2 baby carriages made out of diapers and it had a wash cloth and a binky in each! So cute!! 

These "cupcakes" were made out of receiving blankets and onesies coming out of the top :) Then the liners were really coffee filters and she stamped them all over and tied them with ribbon! Some people are so crafty.

I loved the diaper cake! There were a lot of wash clothes, some toys, and a few other necessities! Awesome.

A Juicy Couture diaper bag!! Now I will be a fashionable momma :)

Two really cute sleep n' plays, a piggy bank and a frame!

And the bath tub from our registry at Target! They also bought some other bath time things, but they didn't get here in time for the shower, but it was a ducky hooded towel with some wash clothes and a little ducky body scrubber! Oh and some burp clothes! Thank you so much to my friends at work that took the time and effort to make the baby shower happen. I am very grateful to have people that care about us and our baby :)
That is all, have a great weekend!  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Almost to the double digits!!

So I was doing the math, and on Monday. the 19th of September, I will have 99 days left until my expected due date!!! Yay! It actually sounds longer when you say it in days though...I would rather say that I only have 14 weeks left as of Monday.
So I went to my doctor appointment a couple of days ago and they measured my belly at 24 inches which is good since it should be close to the number of weeks you are. This was my problem though, on my scale at home, I weighed 3 pounds less than what the scale at the doctor's office said! UGH!! I know that usually happens with everyone, but I was so proud of myself for only gaining 4 pounds in a month, which is normal, only to find out that I gained 7 pounds! Grrr. The doctor said that I gained more than a pound a week which is more than normal, but he said that my total weight gain (14 pounds, according to the doctor's scale) is really good and that he isn't concerned since my blood pressure is good. But still, it really upset me. This whole weight gain thing is really hard for me. But, the most important thing should be that my baby is healthy. I know I can lose the weight after I have her. I will stop whining now. So here is my weekly update

How far along: 25 weeks, 4 days
Weight gain/loss:  Blah, so since last week, I have gained 2 pounds according to my scale. I am not going to go off of the doctor's scale for my weekly update. So there.
Maternity clothes:  Just bought this large loose shirt from Ross. It's cute! 
Stretch marks: Still no sign of any! (Knock on wood)
Sleep: Meh, it's ok. I think I am just getting used to not sleeping well.
Best moment this week:  Realizing that I am getting to the double digits! 
Food cravings: Just chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream....yummy
Gender: Same as last week...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Still in.
Movement: I think she is going to be a gymnast for how much she is moving in there! I love it. 
What I miss: Eating well. I know I can eat healthy things now too...but it just doesn't sound as appetizing as a cup of ice cream or cake. 
What I'm looking forward to: My first baby shower tomorrow! 
Milestones: Almost getting to the double digits! 

Oh yeah, on the 3rd of October (I think) I will be going in for my glucose test! I am kind of scared because diabetes does run in my family, but I am trying to be positive. I think I should be ok though. Also, we signed a 6 month lease for a town home! We have a 2 bedroom apartment right now, but it's not that big and we just wanted something nicer for when the baby comes. This place is affordable and really nice! It's 2 floors, which it will definitely suck having to go up stairs to go to bed, but hey, at least I will get some exercise in! The master bedroom is very roomy and the room that will be the nursery is a pretty good size. I am excited to move. I am growing tired of our place.
Well, that is all for now. Be back next week!

Friday, September 9, 2011

A new day, a new trimester!

Yes, I have finally made it to my third trimester! It's weird because it always seems like time isn't going by fast enough, but at the same time, it is going by quick! Only about 3 and a half months to go.
So, I had my first Braxton-Hicks contraction yesterday. It was cool! My belly got hard as a rock! I had Danny feel it, he thought it was pretty awesome and weird, LOL. 
So here is my weekly update:

How far along: 24 weeks, 4 days
Weight gain/loss:  It has been going up and down a lot this past week, but as of this morning, I only gained about.8 ounces since last week.
Maternity clothes:  Haven't bought anything else yet. I do feel my jeans getting tighter :( boo. I am really trying to avoid buying maternity pants...but I might need to soon.
Stretch marks: Still no sign of any!
Sleep: It has kind of gotten better from last week. I have my routine of falling asleep on my left side, and then when that starts to hurt, I switch to my right. 
Best moment this week:  Feeling my first contraction!! 
Food cravings: Still nothing, other than I just want to eat sweet things ALL the time. It's horrible. I wish it could be like it was for the first trimester where I didn't want to eat, or even think about sweet food. 
Gender: Same as last week...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Still in.
Movement: She still moves a lot. I noticed that she really doesn't like it when I lay on my back because she starts moving and kicking me haha.
What I miss: A good night's sleep.
What I'm looking forward to: The baby shower my mother in law is throwing me on the 17th!! I'm excited :)
Milestones: Getting to my third trimester!! 

So this past Labor Day weekend was awesome! As I said last week, Danny and I, my family, and his family, drove up to Bear Lake on Saturday morning. We went for Danny's birthday. We left at around 5:45 and got there at about 7:45. I am so glad we went earlier, we were able to get a really nice spot, close to the lake, and with shade. We ate breakfast and we waited for my mom, sister and her kids to get there. Then, Danny and I rented a boat for a couple of hours that day so we all got on and some people went tubing. It was fun! We left around 6 pm to the lodge we got for the night. The next day, we rented a jet ski for 4 hours. So we all took turns on that. Danny and I had never been on a jet ski, so it was pretty cool! I was scared because I heard, being pregnant, you have to go really slow or else you could go into pre-term labor. Yikes. Thankfully, I didn't have to go TOO slow, and we still had fun. We left Bear Lake around 5 pm on Sunday. We all had a great time! Here is a pic of me at the lake. My belly has definitely grown a lot! 

Aww, I like that I am finally getting the "bump"! Oh and my brother in the back, with a funny look on his face lol. I will have to upload some more pictures from Bear Lake either today or sometime this weekend.
So, Danny's birthday was on Monday, the 5th. We just had our families get together and we ate some Ecuadorian ceviche, yummmm, and then some ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, mmmm. It was great. 
Overall, I am pleased with how the weekend turned out. I am kind of sad summer is ending. But, I am really excited for fall! I love the falling leaves and getting to wear boots and all that. I am hoping to be able to take some maternity pictures within the next few weeks, before it gets too cold. 
That's all for today. Until next week! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weekly update!

So my friend, Elisa, who is also pregnant (with twin boys!), started doing a weekly pregnancy journal on her blog. I thought this was a great idea to have on my blog as well since I have been having writer's block and haven't been posting anything because nothing new has really been happening. So here it is:

How far along: 23 weeks, 3 days
Weight gain/loss:  So far, 9 lbs (from the beginning), and I am not sure how much I gained since last week because I have been dreading going to weigh myself for fear that the scale will say "error" or something. I will start keeping track every week though for the sake of this journal. 
Maternity clothes:  I have been trying not to buy maternity clothes since I think it is kind of a waste of money right now because I still fit in my pants and most shirts. Although, this past week, I have had to start wearing my belly band since my pants officially do not button around my waist anymore, *tear*. Oh well, it's all part of the process. This past weekend, I also bought 2 maternity shirts from Old Navy. SO cute. I am glad I bought these because they are the kind I can wear even when I am not prego. 
Stretch marks: None yet, yay! I have been rubbing the stretch mark lotion ALL over. Hopefully I don't get any! 
Sleep: This past week has been pretty bad. I wake up ALL the time and I am SO uncomfortable. I only usually have to go pee once during the night, and going back to bed is hard. This sucks for me because I used to knock out at night and not wake up at all until my alarm clock went off in the morning. Boo. Oh well, I guess my body is preparing itself for the sleepless nights with the baby. 
Best moment this week:  Finally getting my butt off the couch and going to the gym!
Food cravings: I haven't really had cravings at all during my pregnancy. I did have a couple of weeks where I could have eaten pizza everyday. Also, lately, I have really been wanting ice cream. I try not to indulge too much though. 
Gender: A beautiful baby girl!
Belly button in or out?  Still in...for now. I can tell more and more that it is wanting to poke out!
Movement: A lot! She is constantly moving, kicking and pushing me. I love it!
What I miss: My old body...but I am really trying to put in my head that I will get back to my healthy weight after the baby comes. I just have to push myself!
What I'm looking forward to: This long weekend! Danny's birthday is on Monday (Labor Day) and both our families and us are going to Bear Lake on Saturday and staying until Sunday, woohoo! Can't wait. Even though I will be looking like Shamu! 
Milestones: Tons of movement and also getting somewhat of a "bump", yay!

It will be nice to come back and read all these things since I am sure I will forget a lot of this. Next week I will start posting pictures with these weekly posts. Well, maybe not with EVERY post since I probably won't change much every week. 
Since I am here already, I might as well give an update on what I have been doing. I have registered at Target and Walmart. I was going to register for baby stuff at Babies R Us, but, I don't know if it's just me or what, I didn't really like the stuff they had on their website. Plus, they are kind of expensive too. Maybe the actual store has better things, but alas, I live 3 hours away from the store so I have to settle with Walmart and Target online. I did actually have time to go to Target though and register for stuff in the store and online. I love the stuff they have.
I am still trying to decide on the theme/bedding for her nursery. It's hard! I found a seller on Etsy who has some REALLY cute stuff for a nursery...but I would have to make a lot of the stuff and buy a ton of things and it would just be too expensive. But here is the site in case anyone wants to see,
Danny and I finally decided on a name a few weeks ago! It took us a while because we just weren't agreeing on anything. The name we found is perfect though! We have only told our families what the name is. I think we will say what it is once I am about ready to pop. 
Oh! We received the crib, changing station and dresser a couple of weeks ago! It was an awesome deal at Walmart online. It is a dark cherry wood color and the reviews were all really good about it. I can't wait to assemble it once we move into our new apartment! Which, by the way, we should have been moved in as of today, but the manager let us know that it won't be until October 1st that the new apartment complex will be ready. Ugh. Oh well, they are brand new, beautiful apartments, so it's worth the wait! 
I have a couple of baby showers coming up in the next month, one is being thrown by my mom and sister and the other by my mother in law. I can't wait! I have always wanted to be the one that people guess how big around I am with yarn/toilet paper. Good times. I want time to move a little faster! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hit the half-way mark!

Yes, today I am 20 weeks along. It is so weird to imagine that in just 20 weeks or less (preferably less) I will get to meet my gorgeous baby girl! Hubby and I are both so anxious and excited to meet her and see who she comed out looking like :)
Yesterday Danny and I watched National Geographic's "In the Womb". Let me just say, wow. It was amazing. We learned so much that we didn't know of what our baby is going through and experiencing in there. I recommend anyone and everyone to watch it if you get the chance. We watched it on YouTube and it was separated into 10 parts. Danny and I talked about how at 3 weeks, the heart begins to pump. Science can explain what happens, but I don't think science can ever explain the why or how it happens. To me, it is just proof that we do have a Father in heaven that makes it so we can witness this beautiful miracle. I am so grateful for this opportunity I have to help my baby grow until she is ready to come into the world. So the countdown continues!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What we found out at the doctor's....

I had my anatomical ultrasound on Monday, July 25th to find out the sex of our baby. Yes, we are expecting a precious baby girl sometime around the 27th of December this year!!! We really couldn't be happier! I will not lie, I could have sworn it was a boy haha but obviously I don't have that motherly instinct just yet. We were wanting a boy, but obviously we were happy with whatever was cooking inside. Honestly now, I couldn't imagine having a boy. There is a reason for us having a girl and she is just what we need now :) We are as happy as can be for our beautiful baby girl! (who we have yet to pick out a name for!) All I could think about when the ultrasound tech said it was a girl was how spoiled and loved this little girl will be! It is the first grandchild for my husband's side of the family, and my mother in law had all boys, so they are going to just devour this baby. On my side of the family, it is not my parents first grandchild, they actually have 9 grand babies. So, our baby will make it 10. They definitely have a lot of experience! However, I am the baby of the family, so this is a really amazing experience for them to see my go through this time in my life.
I am still amazed by this whole experience and I cannot wait to have my baby girl with us. Now, we are busy picking out the baby furniture for the nursery and registering for my baby showers. Hopefully the next 5 months will go by quickly and our baby will finally be here!
 Here is a video of my adorable baby. Check out at the very end how she starts caressing her face with her hand!! So cute...she will be so vain :) I love my baby girl!

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's a kicker!

Ok so the coolest thing happened today. I was at work, just doing some paperwork, then I feel this little tap in my belly. It kind of felt like my belly is twitching from the inside. Now I have had an instance or two where I felt this, but it wasn't as noticeable, so I couldn't tell what it was. Today however, it has been VERY noticeable and more constant! It is my baby kicking me! At the beginning of my day, it was just once or twice, but about an hour ago, around 3 pm, it was like every few minutes! This is the coolest, most amazing feeling ever! I kind of got teary eyed because I guess I didn't know how great it would feel. I also began to see my belly move when the baby would kick! It was just amazing! Now I just can't wait to get off work and have my husband feel this!
Only 23 more days to find out if it is a boy or girl! Not that I am counting or anything....haha.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So, I am a few days away from being 16 weeks. I feel like time is going by fast, but kind of slow. The reason for the title of my blog is because I have to wait until Aug.10th to find out the sex of my baby! I could have found out the week before, but my doctor isn't in town that week, boo. I think that might be the reason that time is going slow for me. I am just really anxious to find out what I have cooking inside of me so I can start shopping for everything I want and need for my baby! Oh well...I guess I have to find some way to be patient.
Also, I feel like this last week and a half, ever since I got to 14 weeks, I have grown SO much. It is crazy. It definitely is a good thing,. it means my baby is growing, but the whole process is just amazing to think about. So here is a picture of my constant growing belly. Sorry for the mess in the background.

So, this last weekend was 4th of July, yay for long weekends! It felt like a really long weekend, which is good because we got more time with our families. The 3 hour drive to our parents house is killing me though. I don't know how much longer I will be able to stand being in a car for that long! Anyway, so I was able to finally dye my hair last Saturday. I have been wanting a major change, and I have also wanted to color my hair red. So I did it! I almost chickened out, but my lovely husband told me to stop being a wuss, so I just went through with it. I am glad I did, it came out great! I love it.

Well, back to 4th of July. It was really fun. We got to hang out with our families, eat good food and watch some awesome fireworks! I had to take a nap after eating though, I was exhausted! I didn't want the day to end because when it did, it meant we had to come back home :( It is really hard to be hours away from family, but I know there is a good reason we are here. And hey, at least we aren't in another state or anything. Hope everyone had a great Independence Day!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Our Love Story

So, I have the best husband...EVER. I just had to get that out there and let everyone know :) He is amazing. I have never trusted anyone as much as I trust this man. I know that all the decisions he makes, he is doing it in the best interest of our family. He is so responsible and caring. He is everything I thought I would never have. I know that he will be the best father for our baby. 
I wanted to make this blog post to share our story and also clear up some facts from my first post. We do have kind of a long story, and I am not one to leave out details because I think it is all important. So forgive me if it turns out to be a long post!

So, before I met Danny, I went through a rough patch, as I think many people go through. Pretty much, I was trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted out of life, love, etc. I had decided to go back to church (LDS) after about 2 years of not going and I also decided that I didn't want to get into anything too serious when it came to relationships. I needed time for myself. I was finally feeling happy with my life and the choices I was making. I felt great. A friend of mine from work, Nataly, invited me to a birthday party at her friend's house, it was like a singles activity. So I decided to go because I wanted to make some new friends. It ended up being Danny's brother's birthday party. So that was the first time that I met him. I thought he was cute, but he was kind of being really friendly and close with this other girl, so I didn't think anything more about him. It is a really small world though, because we started running into each other at the gym at Hill Airforce Base in Layton. He approached me once and asked if I was Nataly's friend, I said I was, and he told me about going to this club out in Salt Lake with the group of people I saw at the party. I said I would try and go, even though I knew I was going to go because I wanted to get a chance to dance with him :) I'm a dork. Anyways, so I went with my friend Joselyn to the club and we danced for a bit. Then, I saw Danny.....with another girl...and not even the same girl I thought he was "with" the night of the birthday party. Ugh, typical guy. Haha jk. I thought, Ok, well maybe he is just dancing a few songs with her, then he will dance with me, since I thought he showed some interest at the gym...nope, she had him the WHOLE night. So lame. So I asked my friend Nataly when I was going home if he had a girlfriend because I thought he was really cute, lol, she said she didn't think he did. So I kind of got happy, even though he ignored me the whole night. Jerk. This is still a sore subject for me...even though we have cleared it up..haha. So the next activity was for Nataly's birthday party at her house. Danny was there, so I FINALLY got to dance with him! :) It was a fun night. We talked a bit and then as the party ended, and I was going to my car, he still hadn't asked for my number! I mean seriously....come on! So, I just decided to be the forward one and asked if we could exchange numbers. We text that night and flirted a bit. Then, he invited me to his brother's graduation party at his house. That was when he kissed me...aww. So cute. We couldn't deny we had chemistry.
We kept going out, but nothing was official or exclusive between us. I still dated other guys because I didn't want to make the same mistakes as I did in the past. I didn't want to get hung up on one guy when they weren't serious about "us". So I was just trying to put in my head that most likely nothing would happen. Well, then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Yikes. This scared me because he was wanting me to open up to him and put myself in a situation where I could get hurt. I didn't want to be vulnerable. So I said no, that I just wanted to keep being friends and go out and see where it goes. The next day, he asked one last time, gave me one more chance, to say yes and be exclusive. I said no again. I know, I'm mean. So on the way home, I thought about it and I told myself, "this is what I have always been wanting, someone to open himself up to me as well and show that he cares enough to only want to be with me". I realized I was being dumb and decided to take a chance. So I text him and asked if the offer still stands, and he said yes.
That was July 1, 2009 that we were "official". We had a great time dating and getting to know more about each other. I grew to love his family, and he loved mine. On November 14, 2009, Danny proposed to me at Temple Square...and he recorded it. Yup, I was acting like such a fool. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful night, and it felt right. I have never felt the way I did with Danny. I knew he was different and more mature than most guys. We got married December 1, 2009. Yes, 2 weeks to plan the wedding. It was the best day ever.

So the part from my first post I would like to clear up, is that we didn't have our honeymoon until this year, April 2011, so when I said we found out I was pregnant when we came back from our honeymoon, just know that it was about a year and a half after we got married :)
I love my husband with all my heart, and cannot imagine spending eternity with anyone else. He really does complete me ( I know, corny, but true!). I think that we compliment each other so well. I am so happy to have him by my side and I feel so safe with him.Thank you for being such a great man and husband, baby! I can't wait to see how great of a father you will be to our little one.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Little One <3

Yesterday was one of the most exciting days of my life. My hubby and I got to see our little baby! We also got to hear the heartbeat. It was the most precious thing ever! Up until now, I have been so worried that my baby wasn't ok or that there was something wrong. I am notorious for worrying for no reason, I think it is even worse now that I have another person to take care of. I needed to see my baby though. I needed that reassurance that everything was ok. So when the nurses at my doctor's office said they don't do an ultrasound on the first visit unless there is something wrong, I started freaking out! I was going to see my baby one way or another. Well, in the end, everything worked out because my doctor recommended getting an ultrasound to make sure everything was fine. I love my doc. He made me feel so comfortable and he definitely knows what he's doing.
From the ultrasound, it seems I am 9 weeks and not 10 weeks because of the size of the baby. My baby is just a little tadpole, so cute. The heartbeat was perfect and everything looked great. I was so relieved! They took a video of my baby, and it was cute because it was kicking a little bit. Aww my baby is adorable. I am slowly beginning to understand that love that a mother has for her child. I already love my baby so much. I cannot wait to hold him/her in my arms!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Beginnings!

Well it's about time! My sister, Magali (, has been telling me for months that I should start a blog. However, I just kept making excuses about how I don't have the time, blah blah blah. I don't even have any kids now, if I can't find the time to keep up with a blog now, I don't think I ever will! So, I finally stopped being lame and I just made one. I have a Tumblr but I don't like the layout of it as much as I do a blog.
This isn't going to be a blog about anything in specific. I will probably talk about anything and everything. Hopefully I don't ramble too much. I will also do my best to not be boring. I am going to try to keep up with this and post every so often because I do think it is important to keep a journal of sorts, and a blog can be my internet journal! Yay.
So this is a new beginning for me with my blog, but also a new beginning for my husband and I for a much more important reason. We found out on May 4th, 2011 that I am pregnant with my first baby! It was like 12 am that night/morning and we had just flown in to SLC from our honeymoon. My sister insisted I take a pregnancy test because she was dying to know! Ok...I may have been wanting to know as well haha. I was in denial though and didn't want to believe I was pregnant because I didn't want to get my hopes up and also because I was scared. Well, obviously it came back positive! But, I wanted to make sure, so I took another test in the morning around 8 am and also went to the doctor and well it was definitely confirmed, I was pregnant. I felt so scared and weird and happy all at once. We wanted a baby and had been trying for about a month and we were excited to start a family, but now that I actually am pregnant, all new fears and worries came to me. Is the baby healthy? Will I be a good mother? Am I going to be a fat cow? All valid questions! I am a person that thinks and worries way too much as it is, so now it is multiplied. I just am anxious for my first appointment in a couple of weeks to make sure the baby is healthy and to hear its heart beat! That will be such a great experience. Even though I am in pain and tired a lot, I am so excited for these next 7 months that I will be growing this beautiful baby and then bringing it into this world. I am thankful to my heavenly father for this precious opportunity.
I am about 8 weeks now so I still have a long way to go! My poor husband will have to deal with my ever changing moods for a while longer lol. Well, I am excited to take you on this journey with me! It will be fun :)