Monday, August 8, 2011

Hit the half-way mark!

Yes, today I am 20 weeks along. It is so weird to imagine that in just 20 weeks or less (preferably less) I will get to meet my gorgeous baby girl! Hubby and I are both so anxious and excited to meet her and see who she comed out looking like :)
Yesterday Danny and I watched National Geographic's "In the Womb". Let me just say, wow. It was amazing. We learned so much that we didn't know of what our baby is going through and experiencing in there. I recommend anyone and everyone to watch it if you get the chance. We watched it on YouTube and it was separated into 10 parts. Danny and I talked about how at 3 weeks, the heart begins to pump. Science can explain what happens, but I don't think science can ever explain the why or how it happens. To me, it is just proof that we do have a Father in heaven that makes it so we can witness this beautiful miracle. I am so grateful for this opportunity I have to help my baby grow until she is ready to come into the world. So the countdown continues!