Friday, September 30, 2011

Hectic week!

It has been crazy these past couple of weeks. I didn't get a chance to update last week because of the move into our town home!! I love this new place. It is so much better and "roomier" than our last apartment. Now, the hard part, unpacking and organizing. UGH. It has been hard trying to find the energy to go home after work and get to work on organizing everything. Slowly, but surely, it will eventually get done! Here is my update:

How far along: 27 weeks, 4 days. About 86 days (or 12 weeks) left!!
Weight gain/loss:  Well, according to my scale, I have gained 2.2 pounds in the last 2 weeks, which would be just right...but we will see in a couple of weeks what the doctor's scale says. 
Maternity clothes:  Haven't been buying anything. I really don't want to buy pants, but I think I may have to buy at least one pair of jeans...mine are just getting too tight in the waist, even with my belly band! The belly band has really been a life saver though! 
Stretch marks: None yet...I saw some purple veins the other day though and I heard those are signs of stretch marks...but nothing has shown up yet. 
Sleep: It has been ok.
Best moment this week:  Moving into our new home and getting ready to put my baby's nursery together!
Food cravings: Ugh, I have been craving sweet things...ALL the time! I hate it. I feel so gross and fat!
Gender: Same...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Still in.
Movement: She is still moving so much! She has her little schedule going though. She moves a lot before breakfast, a lot before lunch and then sometime around dinner. She is just letting me know when she gets hungry I guess :) 
What I miss: Having more energy.
What I'm looking forward to: My baby shower that my mom and sister are throwing for me next weekend!! 
Milestones: None this week. 

We are going to see our families this weekend for conference and a wedding tonight, and then next weekend is my baby shower at my mom's. After next week, we won't be making the trip to see our families anymore just because I don't want to risk the long drive anymore. Oh, and we made our appointment for the 4D ultrasound for October 12th! I am so excited to see my baby and see what kind of characteristics she has! So cute. Also, as I mentioned last week, I will be going in for my Glucose test on Monday, the 3rd. Hopefully it goes well! Oh yeah, the ladies I work with also threw me a baby shower last week! It was a great surprise. Here are some pics of what I got. 

These were 2 baby carriages made out of diapers and it had a wash cloth and a binky in each! So cute!! 

These "cupcakes" were made out of receiving blankets and onesies coming out of the top :) Then the liners were really coffee filters and she stamped them all over and tied them with ribbon! Some people are so crafty.

I loved the diaper cake! There were a lot of wash clothes, some toys, and a few other necessities! Awesome.

A Juicy Couture diaper bag!! Now I will be a fashionable momma :)

Two really cute sleep n' plays, a piggy bank and a frame!

And the bath tub from our registry at Target! They also bought some other bath time things, but they didn't get here in time for the shower, but it was a ducky hooded towel with some wash clothes and a little ducky body scrubber! Oh and some burp clothes! Thank you so much to my friends at work that took the time and effort to make the baby shower happen. I am very grateful to have people that care about us and our baby :)
That is all, have a great weekend!  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Almost to the double digits!!

So I was doing the math, and on Monday. the 19th of September, I will have 99 days left until my expected due date!!! Yay! It actually sounds longer when you say it in days though...I would rather say that I only have 14 weeks left as of Monday.
So I went to my doctor appointment a couple of days ago and they measured my belly at 24 inches which is good since it should be close to the number of weeks you are. This was my problem though, on my scale at home, I weighed 3 pounds less than what the scale at the doctor's office said! UGH!! I know that usually happens with everyone, but I was so proud of myself for only gaining 4 pounds in a month, which is normal, only to find out that I gained 7 pounds! Grrr. The doctor said that I gained more than a pound a week which is more than normal, but he said that my total weight gain (14 pounds, according to the doctor's scale) is really good and that he isn't concerned since my blood pressure is good. But still, it really upset me. This whole weight gain thing is really hard for me. But, the most important thing should be that my baby is healthy. I know I can lose the weight after I have her. I will stop whining now. So here is my weekly update

How far along: 25 weeks, 4 days
Weight gain/loss:  Blah, so since last week, I have gained 2 pounds according to my scale. I am not going to go off of the doctor's scale for my weekly update. So there.
Maternity clothes:  Just bought this large loose shirt from Ross. It's cute! 
Stretch marks: Still no sign of any! (Knock on wood)
Sleep: Meh, it's ok. I think I am just getting used to not sleeping well.
Best moment this week:  Realizing that I am getting to the double digits! 
Food cravings: Just chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream....yummy
Gender: Same as last week...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Still in.
Movement: I think she is going to be a gymnast for how much she is moving in there! I love it. 
What I miss: Eating well. I know I can eat healthy things now too...but it just doesn't sound as appetizing as a cup of ice cream or cake. 
What I'm looking forward to: My first baby shower tomorrow! 
Milestones: Almost getting to the double digits! 

Oh yeah, on the 3rd of October (I think) I will be going in for my glucose test! I am kind of scared because diabetes does run in my family, but I am trying to be positive. I think I should be ok though. Also, we signed a 6 month lease for a town home! We have a 2 bedroom apartment right now, but it's not that big and we just wanted something nicer for when the baby comes. This place is affordable and really nice! It's 2 floors, which it will definitely suck having to go up stairs to go to bed, but hey, at least I will get some exercise in! The master bedroom is very roomy and the room that will be the nursery is a pretty good size. I am excited to move. I am growing tired of our place.
Well, that is all for now. Be back next week!

Friday, September 9, 2011

A new day, a new trimester!

Yes, I have finally made it to my third trimester! It's weird because it always seems like time isn't going by fast enough, but at the same time, it is going by quick! Only about 3 and a half months to go.
So, I had my first Braxton-Hicks contraction yesterday. It was cool! My belly got hard as a rock! I had Danny feel it, he thought it was pretty awesome and weird, LOL. 
So here is my weekly update:

How far along: 24 weeks, 4 days
Weight gain/loss:  It has been going up and down a lot this past week, but as of this morning, I only gained about.8 ounces since last week.
Maternity clothes:  Haven't bought anything else yet. I do feel my jeans getting tighter :( boo. I am really trying to avoid buying maternity pants...but I might need to soon.
Stretch marks: Still no sign of any!
Sleep: It has kind of gotten better from last week. I have my routine of falling asleep on my left side, and then when that starts to hurt, I switch to my right. 
Best moment this week:  Feeling my first contraction!! 
Food cravings: Still nothing, other than I just want to eat sweet things ALL the time. It's horrible. I wish it could be like it was for the first trimester where I didn't want to eat, or even think about sweet food. 
Gender: Same as last week...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Still in.
Movement: She still moves a lot. I noticed that she really doesn't like it when I lay on my back because she starts moving and kicking me haha.
What I miss: A good night's sleep.
What I'm looking forward to: The baby shower my mother in law is throwing me on the 17th!! I'm excited :)
Milestones: Getting to my third trimester!! 

So this past Labor Day weekend was awesome! As I said last week, Danny and I, my family, and his family, drove up to Bear Lake on Saturday morning. We went for Danny's birthday. We left at around 5:45 and got there at about 7:45. I am so glad we went earlier, we were able to get a really nice spot, close to the lake, and with shade. We ate breakfast and we waited for my mom, sister and her kids to get there. Then, Danny and I rented a boat for a couple of hours that day so we all got on and some people went tubing. It was fun! We left around 6 pm to the lodge we got for the night. The next day, we rented a jet ski for 4 hours. So we all took turns on that. Danny and I had never been on a jet ski, so it was pretty cool! I was scared because I heard, being pregnant, you have to go really slow or else you could go into pre-term labor. Yikes. Thankfully, I didn't have to go TOO slow, and we still had fun. We left Bear Lake around 5 pm on Sunday. We all had a great time! Here is a pic of me at the lake. My belly has definitely grown a lot! 

Aww, I like that I am finally getting the "bump"! Oh and my brother in the back, with a funny look on his face lol. I will have to upload some more pictures from Bear Lake either today or sometime this weekend.
So, Danny's birthday was on Monday, the 5th. We just had our families get together and we ate some Ecuadorian ceviche, yummmm, and then some ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, mmmm. It was great. 
Overall, I am pleased with how the weekend turned out. I am kind of sad summer is ending. But, I am really excited for fall! I love the falling leaves and getting to wear boots and all that. I am hoping to be able to take some maternity pictures within the next few weeks, before it gets too cold. 
That's all for today. Until next week! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weekly update!

So my friend, Elisa, who is also pregnant (with twin boys!), started doing a weekly pregnancy journal on her blog. I thought this was a great idea to have on my blog as well since I have been having writer's block and haven't been posting anything because nothing new has really been happening. So here it is:

How far along: 23 weeks, 3 days
Weight gain/loss:  So far, 9 lbs (from the beginning), and I am not sure how much I gained since last week because I have been dreading going to weigh myself for fear that the scale will say "error" or something. I will start keeping track every week though for the sake of this journal. 
Maternity clothes:  I have been trying not to buy maternity clothes since I think it is kind of a waste of money right now because I still fit in my pants and most shirts. Although, this past week, I have had to start wearing my belly band since my pants officially do not button around my waist anymore, *tear*. Oh well, it's all part of the process. This past weekend, I also bought 2 maternity shirts from Old Navy. SO cute. I am glad I bought these because they are the kind I can wear even when I am not prego. 
Stretch marks: None yet, yay! I have been rubbing the stretch mark lotion ALL over. Hopefully I don't get any! 
Sleep: This past week has been pretty bad. I wake up ALL the time and I am SO uncomfortable. I only usually have to go pee once during the night, and going back to bed is hard. This sucks for me because I used to knock out at night and not wake up at all until my alarm clock went off in the morning. Boo. Oh well, I guess my body is preparing itself for the sleepless nights with the baby. 
Best moment this week:  Finally getting my butt off the couch and going to the gym!
Food cravings: I haven't really had cravings at all during my pregnancy. I did have a couple of weeks where I could have eaten pizza everyday. Also, lately, I have really been wanting ice cream. I try not to indulge too much though. 
Gender: A beautiful baby girl!
Belly button in or out?  Still in...for now. I can tell more and more that it is wanting to poke out!
Movement: A lot! She is constantly moving, kicking and pushing me. I love it!
What I miss: My old body...but I am really trying to put in my head that I will get back to my healthy weight after the baby comes. I just have to push myself!
What I'm looking forward to: This long weekend! Danny's birthday is on Monday (Labor Day) and both our families and us are going to Bear Lake on Saturday and staying until Sunday, woohoo! Can't wait. Even though I will be looking like Shamu! 
Milestones: Tons of movement and also getting somewhat of a "bump", yay!

It will be nice to come back and read all these things since I am sure I will forget a lot of this. Next week I will start posting pictures with these weekly posts. Well, maybe not with EVERY post since I probably won't change much every week. 
Since I am here already, I might as well give an update on what I have been doing. I have registered at Target and Walmart. I was going to register for baby stuff at Babies R Us, but, I don't know if it's just me or what, I didn't really like the stuff they had on their website. Plus, they are kind of expensive too. Maybe the actual store has better things, but alas, I live 3 hours away from the store so I have to settle with Walmart and Target online. I did actually have time to go to Target though and register for stuff in the store and online. I love the stuff they have.
I am still trying to decide on the theme/bedding for her nursery. It's hard! I found a seller on Etsy who has some REALLY cute stuff for a nursery...but I would have to make a lot of the stuff and buy a ton of things and it would just be too expensive. But here is the site in case anyone wants to see,
Danny and I finally decided on a name a few weeks ago! It took us a while because we just weren't agreeing on anything. The name we found is perfect though! We have only told our families what the name is. I think we will say what it is once I am about ready to pop. 
Oh! We received the crib, changing station and dresser a couple of weeks ago! It was an awesome deal at Walmart online. It is a dark cherry wood color and the reviews were all really good about it. I can't wait to assemble it once we move into our new apartment! Which, by the way, we should have been moved in as of today, but the manager let us know that it won't be until October 1st that the new apartment complex will be ready. Ugh. Oh well, they are brand new, beautiful apartments, so it's worth the wait! 
I have a couple of baby showers coming up in the next month, one is being thrown by my mom and sister and the other by my mother in law. I can't wait! I have always wanted to be the one that people guess how big around I am with yarn/toilet paper. Good times. I want time to move a little faster!