Friday, September 16, 2011

Almost to the double digits!!

So I was doing the math, and on Monday. the 19th of September, I will have 99 days left until my expected due date!!! Yay! It actually sounds longer when you say it in days though...I would rather say that I only have 14 weeks left as of Monday.
So I went to my doctor appointment a couple of days ago and they measured my belly at 24 inches which is good since it should be close to the number of weeks you are. This was my problem though, on my scale at home, I weighed 3 pounds less than what the scale at the doctor's office said! UGH!! I know that usually happens with everyone, but I was so proud of myself for only gaining 4 pounds in a month, which is normal, only to find out that I gained 7 pounds! Grrr. The doctor said that I gained more than a pound a week which is more than normal, but he said that my total weight gain (14 pounds, according to the doctor's scale) is really good and that he isn't concerned since my blood pressure is good. But still, it really upset me. This whole weight gain thing is really hard for me. But, the most important thing should be that my baby is healthy. I know I can lose the weight after I have her. I will stop whining now. So here is my weekly update

How far along: 25 weeks, 4 days
Weight gain/loss:  Blah, so since last week, I have gained 2 pounds according to my scale. I am not going to go off of the doctor's scale for my weekly update. So there.
Maternity clothes:  Just bought this large loose shirt from Ross. It's cute! 
Stretch marks: Still no sign of any! (Knock on wood)
Sleep: Meh, it's ok. I think I am just getting used to not sleeping well.
Best moment this week:  Realizing that I am getting to the double digits! 
Food cravings: Just chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream....yummy
Gender: Same as last week...a girl
Belly button in or out?  Still in.
Movement: I think she is going to be a gymnast for how much she is moving in there! I love it. 
What I miss: Eating well. I know I can eat healthy things now too...but it just doesn't sound as appetizing as a cup of ice cream or cake. 
What I'm looking forward to: My first baby shower tomorrow! 
Milestones: Almost getting to the double digits! 

Oh yeah, on the 3rd of October (I think) I will be going in for my glucose test! I am kind of scared because diabetes does run in my family, but I am trying to be positive. I think I should be ok though. Also, we signed a 6 month lease for a town home! We have a 2 bedroom apartment right now, but it's not that big and we just wanted something nicer for when the baby comes. This place is affordable and really nice! It's 2 floors, which it will definitely suck having to go up stairs to go to bed, but hey, at least I will get some exercise in! The master bedroom is very roomy and the room that will be the nursery is a pretty good size. I am excited to move. I am growing tired of our place.
Well, that is all for now. Be back next week!


  1. Yay!! I'm so excited! I cannot tell you enough how incredibly proud I am of you! You are the greatest sister, you are smart, beautiful, responsible, and the nicest person I know! You are giving me the greatest gift anyone can ever give me...a baby niece! I cannot wait to meet her. You and Danny will be incredible parents!

  2. Awww, well thanks! I sure hope we will be...only 10 weeks left!! Aahhhhhh!!
