Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What we found out at the doctor's....

I had my anatomical ultrasound on Monday, July 25th to find out the sex of our baby. Yes, we are expecting a precious baby girl sometime around the 27th of December this year!!! We really couldn't be happier! I will not lie, I could have sworn it was a boy haha but obviously I don't have that motherly instinct just yet. We were wanting a boy, but obviously we were happy with whatever was cooking inside. Honestly now, I couldn't imagine having a boy. There is a reason for us having a girl and she is just what we need now :) We are as happy as can be for our beautiful baby girl! (who we have yet to pick out a name for!) All I could think about when the ultrasound tech said it was a girl was how spoiled and loved this little girl will be! It is the first grandchild for my husband's side of the family, and my mother in law had all boys, so they are going to just devour this baby. On my side of the family, it is not my parents first grandchild, they actually have 9 grand babies. So, our baby will make it 10. They definitely have a lot of experience! However, I am the baby of the family, so this is a really amazing experience for them to see my go through this time in my life.
I am still amazed by this whole experience and I cannot wait to have my baby girl with us. Now, we are busy picking out the baby furniture for the nursery and registering for my baby showers. Hopefully the next 5 months will go by quickly and our baby will finally be here!
 Here is a video of my adorable baby. Check out at the very end how she starts caressing her face with her hand!! So cute...she will be so vain :) I love my baby girl!

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's a kicker!

Ok so the coolest thing happened today. I was at work, just doing some paperwork, then I feel this little tap in my belly. It kind of felt like my belly is twitching from the inside. Now I have had an instance or two where I felt this, but it wasn't as noticeable, so I couldn't tell what it was. Today however, it has been VERY noticeable and more constant! It is my baby kicking me! At the beginning of my day, it was just once or twice, but about an hour ago, around 3 pm, it was like every few minutes! This is the coolest, most amazing feeling ever! I kind of got teary eyed because I guess I didn't know how great it would feel. I also began to see my belly move when the baby would kick! It was just amazing! Now I just can't wait to get off work and have my husband feel this!
Only 23 more days to find out if it is a boy or girl! Not that I am counting or anything....haha.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So, I am a few days away from being 16 weeks. I feel like time is going by fast, but kind of slow. The reason for the title of my blog is because I have to wait until Aug.10th to find out the sex of my baby! I could have found out the week before, but my doctor isn't in town that week, boo. I think that might be the reason that time is going slow for me. I am just really anxious to find out what I have cooking inside of me so I can start shopping for everything I want and need for my baby! Oh well...I guess I have to find some way to be patient.
Also, I feel like this last week and a half, ever since I got to 14 weeks, I have grown SO much. It is crazy. It definitely is a good thing,. it means my baby is growing, but the whole process is just amazing to think about. So here is a picture of my constant growing belly. Sorry for the mess in the background.

So, this last weekend was 4th of July, yay for long weekends! It felt like a really long weekend, which is good because we got more time with our families. The 3 hour drive to our parents house is killing me though. I don't know how much longer I will be able to stand being in a car for that long! Anyway, so I was able to finally dye my hair last Saturday. I have been wanting a major change, and I have also wanted to color my hair red. So I did it! I almost chickened out, but my lovely husband told me to stop being a wuss, so I just went through with it. I am glad I did, it came out great! I love it.

Well, back to 4th of July. It was really fun. We got to hang out with our families, eat good food and watch some awesome fireworks! I had to take a nap after eating though, I was exhausted! I didn't want the day to end because when it did, it meant we had to come back home :( It is really hard to be hours away from family, but I know there is a good reason we are here. And hey, at least we aren't in another state or anything. Hope everyone had a great Independence Day!