Thursday, November 10, 2011

Black Friday

I am so bummed I can't go to Black Friday this year! Last year was that first time that we went crazy and stayed up all night until like noon on Friday going to Wal-Mart, Kohl's, Victoria's Secret, etc. It was awesome. I had fun. I thought it was sad and kind of funny how crazy people would get though. There is this awesome website,, that has the leaked black friday deals for this year. I was looking over the ads, and it makes me wish I could stay up all night again, pushing people out of the way to get some awesome stuff...oh well. I don't think baby girl will agree with me being on my feet for so long. I will have to wait until next year then.
Anyway, I went to my doctor's appointment yesterday. I gained about 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks, which makes my total weight gain 21 pounds. My doctor says that's good, but I really only wanted to gain 25 pounds. I know, I'm being ridiculous. But, losing weight for me is not easy. As long as baby is healthy though, then it's ok. I will just have to live with whatever I end up gaining.
I finally committed myself to a travel system and bought it yesterday on Amazon. I went with Graco, because according to reviews, they seem to be safe, sturdy and reliable and don't cost a fortune. It was actually the most expensive thing we bought, but we decided we can splurge on at least one thing for the baby. Here it is.

We went with black because we wanted a gender neutral color to be able to re-use it for the next baby. 
So, most of the major things are done and bought. This whole having a baby thing is expensive! 
I have my little freak out moments when I think that I only have about a month and a half left. Crazy! Sometimes I think that is such a long time, but then I think of everything I still have to do, and then starts the freak out. I guess I just worry that we won't have something she needs and I like to be prepared and have things planned out. This is one of those situations in life where you can't really plan anything out. I am just hoping for the best. 
Oh, one last thing. I went to my childbirth class last night and she gave us more information on epidurals so that we would see we didn't have anything to be scared of. Yeah, it made me NOT want to have one even more. I am going to do my best to go all natural baby. Not so that I can brag or feel good about myself for doing it all natural, but because I don't want to be afraid of the pain I'm going to feel. I actually want to be able to feel everything. I know, a lot of people think I am naive and tell me, "Just wait!". Well, yes it's true, I can't prepare myself for the pain I'm going to feel, but I can do my best to prepare myself on different relaxation techniques and breathing and I know I will be fine. My husband is also behind me 100%, so as long as I have his support, I know I can do it. I do know that I have to be open to different outcomes as well. I know that if, heaven forbid, something were to go wrong, I might need a C-Section and/or an epidural, but as long as everything is going well, then I should be able to just do it all without any intervention. Here's hoping everything goes well! 

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