I am only 33 weeks and I am SO done with being pregnant. I know really shouldn't complain...but I will anyway. I haven't had a bad pregnancy at all compared to what co-workers and friends have told me about their pregnancies, but I just really want to meet my baby girl already. Although, it does freak me out sometimes when I think that I will soon be awakened by her crying, or by anything she does for that matter. I know I am going to be so paranoid the first few weeks and probably not get any sleep at all, but hey, I think that is normal for the first baby. She can be born anytime between the next 4-7 weeks. That is just crazy. Everyone keeps saying that our lives will change so much, and I believe it. It will be worth it though.
I will be honest, I think the part I will miss the most of our lives right now is the alone time I get with hubby. You know, just being able to cuddle, or lay down and watch T.V. and just do what we feel like doing. However, there is a time for everything. We have had about 2 and a half years of being alone and having fun, so I think it is time for our family to start growing. Ready or not, it is time.
Not much has been going on. Halloween was pretty boring. Hubby and I just got a pizza that night and I went to the store in a hurry before the trick or treaters got to our house. Guess how many kids came and knocked on our door? THREE. That's right. I went and got 2 bags of candy, one bag of Snickers and the other was Life Saver gummies, and only 3 kids came. Ugh. What has happened to the tradition of going house to house to get candy on Halloween? Now people just go to Trunk-or-Treat and don't bother going house to house. I don't care if I am the only mother out for Halloween taking her daughter to each house, I am going. That's part of the fun of Halloween. Ok, I'm done venting. Oh and by the way, I ended up eating like half of the Snickers bag...thanks a lot to the children that didn't come to my house! Anyway, at work, some women decided that we should all dress up as biker chicks on Halloween. So this was the outcome of my outfit. Thanks to my mother-in-law who just happened to have the jacket and bracelet. Awesome.

FYI, the boots were killing me! But I looked cute so hey...
Oh, the baby shower my mom and sister threw for me was AWESOME. I loved it. I got to see some people I haven't seen in a while. We had some yummy food and fun games. It was great. Thanks mom and sis for making that day special for me! Love those 2 women so much. They are the best.
We started going to a Childbirth/Pre-Natal class on Wednesdays. They are provided for free by the hospital. They are pretty informational. It is kind of getting me even more anxious and freaked out about labor. I am trying to read about Hypnobirthing to see if that will help me out. I have had a few mothers tell me it does. Hopefully all goes well when I go into labor.
We went to the temple here in Vernal about a week and a half ago with my in laws since they were here for the weekend. I am ashamed to say that it had been so long since we had gone, since before I got pregnant, sad. It was great though. We are going to try to go as much as we can before the baby gets here. We also ended up getting really good news a couple of days later. Hubby got a promotion at work; he is now the Regional manager over 5 stores. He now is in charge of the Vernal, Price, Park City, Heber and Fashion Place mall stores! I am so happy and proud of him. He is such a hard worker and does the best job providing for us. I love him so much. With this promotion, we will eventually need to move closer to the SLC area because 3 of the stores are over that way. So...YAY! This is what we have been waiting for. This is a great opportunity and we can finally be closer to our families and friends. I can't wait. We still have to wait until the baby is born to be able to move, but I feel so happy knowing that we don't have to stay here much longer. Don't get me wrong, Vernal has given us a lot of good things, a big one being our jobs. It has just been really hard being alone out here and not seeing our family as much. Yay for promotions!
So here is an update:
How far along: 33 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Not sure..I haven't been getting on the scale because I am afraid and because I have an appointment with the doctor on Wednesday, so I will just find out then. I hope it hasn't been too much!
Maternity clothes: Well I did buy a maternity skirt from Motherhood. It is awesome. I definitely needed it. Still wearing my pre-pregnancy pants with the belly band. My jeans are SO uncomfortable though. I try not to wear them.
Stretch marks: Still no sign of them...yet.
Sleep: Meh, I toss and turn all night. I have gotten used to not sleeping well.
Best moment this week: Finding out about hubby's promotion!
Food cravings: Nothing new. I don't really crave things anymore. I am trying to not eat so much sweets though.
Gender: Same...a girl
Belly button in or out? Still in, but it looks gross.
Movement: Still moving quite a bit.
What I miss: Working out! I know...weird.
What I'm looking forward to: Being able to run again. (See previous answer)
Milestones: We got the baby's crib, dresser and changing table put together ( well hubby and his brother did) and we put the bedding in. It looks awesome!
Here is a pic of the baby's room. Now I just have to wash all her clothes and get it all organized. Well, at least organize the stuff I will use for the first few weeks since we will be moving again after the baby is here.